Change My Mind | Blue
Change My Mind | Blue
Change My Mind | Blue
Change My Mind | Blue

Change My Mind | Blue

Regular price $61.73
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color: blue

- With its eye-catching blue color and attention to detail, this jumpsuit is a must-have for any fashion-forward individual. The v-neck detail adds a touch of sophistication, making it suitable for both casual and more formal occasions. The oversized fit not only ensures a relaxed and comfortable feel but also adds a trendy and effortless vibe to your outfit. The two front pockets are not only stylish but also practical, providing a convenient place to store your essentials. Additionally, the adjustable straps allow you to personalize the fit of the jumpsuit, ensuring that it flatters your body shape perfectly. Whether you're attending a social gathering or simply running errands, this jumpsuit combines style and functionality in one chic package.

-Model wearing a small